BestMARC Comparison

Name and Series Authority

Customizable solutions to work for you

Subscription Levels Comparison

Global Plus Essential
MARC Record Editor
MARC Tips, Examples, Errors: Includes context-sensitive links to LOC and RDA Toolkit documentation
Record Templates: 48 built-in templates, user-created templates
Record Source
Search More Servers: Z39.50 search
Checkpoints: Side-by-side comparison of changes, rollback changes
Subject Explorer: Add/Update Subject Authority-controlled fields in bibliographic records
Authority Explorer: Add/Update Name & Series Authority-controlled fields in bibliographic records
Reading Program Updates: Automatically update Accelerated Reader 360®, Fountas & Pinnell®, Lexile®, Reading Counts!®
Convert to RDA: Tag 260 to 264, 336, 337 & 338 updates, 100s of terms expanded, birth and death dates, unnumbered pages, leaves & plates and more
Subject Heading Updates: Library of Congress, Library of Congress Children’s, Sears and Kid Friendly, plus Subject Enrichment feature
Award Notes: State and National award notes
Brief to Full: Adds selected fields for records found in the BestMARC record source
Record Repair: Automatically fixes common problems in your MARC records
Lists: Organize records into lists
Selections: Find smaller groups of records
Global Editing: Create and save powerful instructions to make batch changes to your database
Workflows: Combine Enhancements and Global Edits sequentially for easy processing Enhancements Only
Authority record search, editing, creation
Authority Record Management: All tools (e.g. lists, global edits) enabled for Authority records
Save full Authority records when adding bibliographic fields in Authority Explorer
Lexile® is a registered trademark of MetaMetrics, Inc. | Accelerated Reader 360® is a registered trademark of Renaissance | Reading Counts!® is registered trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company | F&P Text Level Gradient™ is a trademark of Heinemann

MARC record editor, record templates, record source, Z39.50 search, checkpoints

Reading program updates, subject heading updates, awards notes, brief to full, record repair

Global editing, automated workflows, organize records into lists, find small groups of records

*billed annually