BestMARC Global

BestMARC Global offers complete MARC management

BestMARC™ sets the standard in MARC metadata management. Create lists of records, find records based on your criteria, and update them using the powerful batch editing capabilities of BestMARC Global.

Including all the searching, cataloging, and editing features of BestMARC Essential and all the automated Enhancements in BestMARC PlusBestMARC Global contains everything you need to easily and successfully manage your MARC database.


Search the Library of Congress Name, Series, and Subject Authority databases for Authority records right from within BestMARC. Filter by type, collection, and scheme.

Authority Editing

BestMARC’s editor fully supports Authority records and displays appropriate field, subfield, and indicator names. The Quick Editor has its own set of settings.

Record Management

Use the My Records grid with Custom Columns, Global Editing, Lists, and all the rest of BestMARC’s features.

Keep your records organized using Lists

Powerful batch editing of your entire catalog

When you are finished, click Save to give this Global Edit a name so you won’t have to create it again.

Your saved Global Edits, Workflows, and Selections appear in the Private folder of the Tools pane.

Search & Catalog

Search BestMARC for bibliographic or Authority records. Catalog using 45 built-in templates, or create custom templates


Use Subject Explorer and Authority Explorer to fill fields from Subject, Name, and Series authority databases

Record Enhancements

Update Subject Headings, Lexile®, Accelerated Reader® 360, Award Notes, and much more automatically

Customizable solutions to work for you

You can get started with our fundamental BestMARC Essential subscription or update your MARC data automatically using BestMARC Plus with key features to save you even more time.

Our core metadata management features

Our middle tier of metadata management

Compare all of our BestMARC solutions

Compare all of our solutions to MARCEdit