ExpertMARC™ Data Services

The ultimate combination
The best metadata management is backed by the best data services to keep your database up-to-date and accurate. Mitinet’s industry-leading ExpertMARC™ team provides full-service database cleanups & MARC record updates based on your timeline, budget and needs so your readers are always able to discover more.

ExpertMARC Database Migrations and Conversions
Your catalog is your most valuable asset. Let our in-house team of database experts do the heavy lifting when it comes to MARC database migration and conversion with full support for:
- RDA conversion
- Union Database creation for migration
- Duplicate record removal
ExpertMARC Database Cleanup
Mitinet’s ExpertMARC team can create a fully-customized solution based on your specific needs. A database clean-up is easy, fast, and efficient to save time and money.
- MARC record repair
- Brief to full record updates
- Call Number standardization
- Reading program updates for Accelerated Reader 360®, Fountas & Pinnell®, Lexile®, & Reading Counts!®
- Subject Heading updates (Sears, Library of Congress, and Library of Congress Childrens’)
- Duplicate record removal (depending upon automation system)
- Custom global edits, and much more
Lexile® is a registered trademark of MetaMetrics, Inc. │ Accelerated Reader 360® is a registered trademark of Renaissance │ Reading Counts!® is registered trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company │ F&P Text Level Gradient™ is a trademark of Heinemann

ExpertMARC Custom Record Updates and Conversions
Does your MARC database contain content that is no longer needed? Or missing content that needs to be added? Or do you need to create a large quantity of MARC records from scratch? Let our team at Mitinet Library Services know your specific MARC record needs and they’ll work with you on an affordable solution.
- Customized MARC record creation and conversions
- Customized MARC record updates
Contact us and let ExpertMARC™ do the heavy lifting for you.